Best After School Program

The Best After School Program on the west side of Carmel

…you might not have considered!

If you are looking to give your child an after-school program that not only gets them physically active but also instills qualities such as focus, concentration, respect, determination and personal growth then you have wandered onto the right program.

You see our program for your child is not just convenient in its location on the west side of Carmel,  but has as its ultimate purpose or goals:  to put your child in a fun and challenging environment where he or she can achieve personal growth, social confidence and academic improvement. 

Martial arts classes offer the greatest opportunity for your child to gain these advantages.   We believe that our kids Karate Class is the best after school program offered on the west side of Carmel!                                                                                                       

We love what we do!

Our purpose is to inspire your child to “Reach Their Peak Potential” in health and  vitality, as well as self mastery and self expression!

In order to achieve that, a program must challenge your child to full engagement…physically, mentally and emotionally.  Programs that are physically active but require little thought, focus or presence will fail to achieve such lofty goals.  Programs that have your child sitting performing an activity (after 8 hours of sitting at school) will fail to engage their physiology and result in poor retention and growth.

Our program is the best after school program because our martial arts program engages them fully…challenging them physically and mentally towards the following goals….

  1.  Increased concentration,  focus and awareness!   This will be seen in them thriving and growing both academically and socially!
  2.   Increased Self – Esteem and Personal Responsibility!    Increases in confidence, respect for self and others, and positive shifts in behavior will be your reward!
  3.   Year round health and fitness in a safe and positive environment!  Our program will develop over-all motor skills and athleticism that lead to developmental growth!
  4.  Prevent Bullying before it Starts!  Your child deserves to be able to identify and confidently walk away from all bullying situations before they begin.  And in the rare case that your child must defend them self…he/she will be able to do it effectively and without causing the bully harm, when possible.
  5. Build the habits that lead to Success in Life!  Focus, discipline, self respect and perseverance are success habits.  These habits are retained through doing rather than learning passively.  Passive learning has a 10% retention rate…active learning by engaging the mind and body at the same time has retention rates as high as 90%.

Master Mountain has seen countless children come out of their shells, come to believe in them-self, and excel in life as a result of this program!

To hear more about our after school program or martial arts classes for kids…Click Here!

If you have a child age 3 – 5 years old – go here!

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