How Martial Arts will Benefit Your Child

 Martial Arts classes provide the activity and stimulation that promotes developmental maturity! 

Kids who struggle with paying attention, have learning challenges, or struggle with plain old day dreaming … sometimes do so because developmentally their brains are not maturing equally from side to side.

It is this difference in maturity or neuroplasticity from the right side to the left side of the brain that creates a need for stimulation.  Without physical stimulation the brain wanders!

Neuroplasticity is the process of how our brains grow and learn.  When the brain is stimulated repetitively in thought or in physical action then it starts to increase the number of nerve cells associated with that thought or action.  We say that the nerves that fire together wire together.  In essence your brain adapts to and becomes hardwired based upon what we do or think most of the time.

It is why once you know how to ride a bike you never forget.  Your nervous system is hardwired to do that activity.  It is the foundation for muscle memory.       

A child’s mind is growing and learning all the time.  Physical activity is as important to the maturing mind as is intellectual activity. But,  sometimes the brain does not mature at the same rate from right brain to left brain.  This can show up many ways.

You might have experienced it in your child when they were young;  as slow to speak, or late bed wetting…and when older as hyperactivity, “ants in the pants” or day dreaming behavior.  Physical activity is paramount to your child’s over all health as well as a vital way to stimulate the brain towards balanced maturity.

Unfortunately most sports are lopsided in their activity.   Kids who play sports that don’t exercise the body evenly from side to side, can struggle.   You might see it in over development in some muscle groups and under development in other muscle groups, or experience it in learning struggles, and inability to stay focused or lack luster grades.

I know this to be true because prior to martial arts training I was one of  those hyperactive boys who just could not sit still or pay attention in class.   It was not until I started training martial arts myself did my own grades shoot to the top.  This is probably why I have a soft spot in my heart for the “supposed” trouble makers.

Martial arts made all the difference for me and it will do the same for them!

I have witnessed and parents have experienced the transformations possible when kids train martial arts.

Kids that don’t participate in sports or exercise at all are setting themselves up for struggle with developmental delays as well as over all poor health.  Give your kids the advantage that martial arts training gives.

Our Karate classes, and the fun activities we have the kids participate in, are designed to exercise both sides of the body and brain evenly…so their body and their brain are balanced.  The result – No more fidgeting, day dreaming or an inability to focus, concentrate or be present.  Your child thrives Academically and Socially!!  Classes available starting at 3 – 5 years of age!

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